Productie Locatie Datum
Serenade Schouwburg c o r s o 02-10-2021
Spectacles Kaap vzw 02-10-2021
Missa Homo Sacer Quartzfestival 03-10-2021
Missa Homo Sacer De Carrousel 03-10-2021
Serenade Het Nationale Theater 06-10-2021
Spectacles Pilar 07-10-2021
The Garden Fondazione Roma Europa Arte e Cultura 09-10-2021
Missa Homo Sacer CC Nova Wetteren 09-10-2021
The Garden Fondazione Roma Europa Arte e Cultura 10-10-2021
The Garden Fondazione Roma Europa Arte e Cultura 10-10-2021
Missa Homo Sacer Leietheater Deinze 10-10-2021
Songs of Nature China Beijing Music Festival 16-10-2021
Songs of Nature China Beijing Music Festival 17-10-2021