Production Location Date
Kings of war Wiener Festwochen 05-06-2015
Kings of war Wiener Festwochen 06-06-2015
Kings of war Wiener Festwochen 07-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 12-06-2015
Private View Musik der Jahrhunderte 12-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 12-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 13-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 13-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 14-06-2015
Kings of war Holland Festival 14-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 14-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 15-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 15-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 16-06-2015
Dido and Aeneas Rockoxhuis 16-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 17-06-2015
Kings of war Holland Festival 17-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 17-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 18-06-2015
Kings of war Holland Festival 18-06-2015
Dido and Aeneas Rockoxhuis 18-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 19-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 20-06-2015
Kings of war Holland Festival 20-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 20-06-2015
The Queen without a country OEROL 21-06-2015
Kings of war Holland Festival 21-06-2015