From 2000-2014 , Barbara worked as a programmer and artistic director of the BUDA and Vooruit Arts Centres. In 2014 she left the arts sector and took a year out to re-energize and reorientate herself. During this time she trained as a facilitator of farewell rituals at Green Fuse in Totnes (UK). She also took additional workshops around transition and the shaping of life and death. She thus developed into a unique connector between art, care and leave-taking.

From 2015-2018 she worked as a researcher at KASK School of Arts to develop new physical and mental spaces for farewells. At the same time she set up Beyond the Spoken, a private practice in which she guides people in their grieving process by creating and facilitating a unique farewell ritual for them.

Since 2023, Barbara has been Artistic Director of NTGent, together with Yves Degryse and Melih Genzboyaci. Her ambition is to implement her practice as part of the city theatre’s future.

Photo: Anneleen Van Kuyck



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